The Great Controversy, a great readingThe Great Controversy is the last story in the Conflict of the Ages series. It carries the story of the controversy between God and Satan to its ultimate and glorious conclusion. Beginning with the destruction of Jerusalem and continuing through the persecutions of Christians in the Roman Empire, the apostasy of the Dark Ages, the shining light of the Reformation, and the worldwide religious awakening of the nineteenth century, this utility traces the conflict into the future, to the Second Coming of Jesus and the glories of the earth made new. As the end draws ever closer, the vital issue of loyalty to God will become decisive. In this concluding volume, powerfully points out the principles involved in the impending conflict and how each person can stand firmly for God and His truth.Some chapters in this tool:- Destruction of Jerusalem- Persecution in the First Centuries- The Apostasy- The Waldenses- John Wycliffe- Huss and Jerome- Luther’s Separation from Rome- Luther Before the Diet- The Swiss Reformer- Progress of Reform in Germany- Protest of the Princes- The French Reformation- In the Netherlands and Scandinavia- Later English Reformers- The Bible and the French Revolution- and more ...As extras you will find in this application:+ Seventh-Day Adventist 28 Fundamental Beliefs+ An online Bible to consult at any time and situation✔ If you liked this tool, Rate me, please help us to improve and to offer a better product. Thank you.Do not wait any longer, download the great controversy and enjoy a pleasant read.